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Survey results–Your #2 Question


About this episode

In this episode, Kip will go over the second most frequent question received from the survey: “How do I make cybersecurity my second career without starting all over, and what are some unconventional paths into cybersecurity?”

If your current career is in IT, you are lucky because you can use those skills and experience to your advantage when moving to cybersecurity. There is likely a lot of direct translation between your existing position and your dream cybersecurity role. So, dig deep, make those connections, and be ready to tell the hiring manager what you have to offer.

If your current career is not in information technology, you may still be able to use the experiences you have had to your advantage. It depends on how similar your old job is to the one you want in the cybersecurity field. You may not realize this, but you have a lot of skills that are applicable to your new position, even if you don’t see it right now.

Kip also discussed a masterclass called: “How to Get Your First Cybersecurity Job as Told by Hiring Managers”. This masterclass has since been replaced with the new and improved Hired in 21 Days program. You can find out more about that program at https://www.hiredin21days.com.

What you’ll learn

  • How do I make cybersecurity my second career without starting all over
  • What are some unconventional paths into cybersecurity?

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Episode Transcript

Kip Boyle:        

Hi, everyone. This is Your Cyber Path, the podcast that helps you get your first cybersecurity job. I’m Kip Boyle, and I’m an experienced hiring manager of cybersecurity professionals. If you want to give me feedback on the show, or if you want me to answer your question on a future episode, please visit the show page at anchor.fm/yourcyberpath. That’s all one word. When you get there, just click on the message button and start talking to me. If you’re new to the podcast, I need to tell you that we’re planning to run an online class to help you get your first cybersecurity job. And to make sure the class will really help, we’ve been running a survey to find out what you’re struggling with.

In this episode, I’m going to tell you the second most frequent question we’ve received from the survey respondents so far. And that question was some version of, “How do I make cybersecurity my second career without starting all over? And there was a closely related question, which was, “What are some unconventional paths into cybersecurity?” So in the last episode, I told you more about how the class will work. So I don’t want to repeat that now. So go back and listen if you want to know more. But I’m happy to say that our masterclass will directly address these questions that I just covered. In fact, we have one lesson specifically on unconventional paths, which includes people with non-technical backgrounds. But let me give you a sneak peek at the answer here.

If your current career is in IT, then you’re in luck because you can use those skills and experience to your maximum advantage in cybersecurity. There’s a lot of direct translation. How much advantage will depend on how similar your new cybersecurity job is to your old one. Now, if your current career is not in information technology, you may still be in a good position to get credit for what you’ve already done. But again, that depends on how similar your new cybersecurity job is to your old one. So dig deep, make those connections, and be ready to tell the hiring manager what you have to offer. Well, for those of you in the audience who want in on this masterclass, which is called How to Get Your First Cybersecurity Job as Told by Hiring Managers, here’s what you do. Just tell me your number one question about getting your first cybersecurity job.

Do that using my online survey, and I’ll give you the URL in a moment. Then you’ll get free access to the four week online class. And we’re starting that on April the 6th, 2020. You’ll also get a free copy of my Amazon bestselling book called Fire Doesn’t Innovate: The Executive’s Practical Guide to Thriving in the Face of Evolving Cyber Risks. Now you can reach the survey by going to b.link/cyberpath. That’s the letter B.L-I-N-K/cyberpath. That’s all one word. And share this link with everybody, forward it to anyone you know who might be interested. Okay. That’s enough for now. Next time, I’m going to tell you the next most frequent question that we received from all 112 of you. So next time, remember, you’re just one path away.                

Headshot of Kip BoyleYOUR HOST:

Kip Boyle
Cyber Risk Opportunities

Kip Boyle serves as virtual chief information security officer for many customers, including a professional sports team and fast-growing FinTech and AdTech companies. Over the years, Kip has built teams by interviewing hundreds of cybersecurity professionals. And now, he’s sharing his insider’s perspective with you!

Headshot of Jason DionYOUR CO-HOST:

Jason Dion
Dion Training Solutions

Jason Dion is the lead instructor at Dion Training Solutions. Jason has been the Director of a Network and Security Operations Center and an Information Systems Officer for large organizations around the globe. He is an experienced hiring manager in the government and defense sectors.